BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palopo Municipality

The result of  Population Census (SP2020) in September 2020 recorded a population of 184.681 people in Palopo Municipality.   ||   The website content of BPS-Statistics of Palopo Municipality has been updated. BPS-Statistics of Palopo Municipality's publications can be downloaded on Publication Menu and you can also access the Dinamic Table here by choosing the subject you want. 

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Palopo (Statistics of Palopo Municipality)Jl. Patang II No. 24 Kota Palopo

Telp (62-471) 3209000 Faks (62-471) 3209000

Mailbox : bps7373@bps.go.id





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